2014 Conference
The 10th Annual CamTESOL Conference was held at the Institute of Technology Cambodia (ITC). The conference ran all day on Saturday 22 February and the morning only of Sunday 23 February. The theme of the conference was English for Regional and International Integration.
The conference was opened by H. E. Minister Hang Chuon Naron of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS). Registration for the conference totalled 1,754, among whom 647 participants came from around 30 countries specifically for the event. There were 514 provincial teachers at the conference sponsored by various individual and institutional donors.
The CamTESOL Regional Research Symposium was held at the Cambodian Korean Cooperation Center (CKCC) all day on Friday 21 February. It was attended by 218 participants from 23 countries with 48 presentations given. Notably, the Symposium attracted high quality researchers including PhD students, researchers and professors. More than 50% of the participants were resident in Southeast / East Asia, which made the Symposium truly regional.
The CamTESOL Regional ELT Quality Assurance Forum was held at the Cambodiana Hotel on the afternoon of Friday 21 February. It was attended by 74 participants from 13 countries. Most of the attendants are managers and leaders in the ELT field from Southeast / East Asia. This forum has provided a platform for regional managers and leaders to learn and share best practices in ELT management, and provide a networking opportunity.
Additional activities included:
- Orientation Program for teachers from the provinces
- Presenters’ Warm Up Reception
The conference had a total of 451 presentations including papers, workshops and posters. The three plenary speakers were Dr. Yilin Sun, Prof. Brian Paltridge, and Prof. Barbara Seidlhofer.
Plenary Speaker |
 | Dr. Yilin Sun President-elect TESOL International Association USA | Sponsored by:  |
Main Conference Plenary Presentation: A Quest for Excellence in Teaching English for Regional and International Integration - a Non-native English Speaker's Perspective This plenary session will focus on recent major developments in the English language teaching (ELT) field, and issues/challenges that TESOL educators, especially non-native English speaking teachers face in an EFL (Asian) context. Based on her background as a non-native English speaking educator and her cross-cultural teaching and research experience in China, Canada and the United States, the presenter will address major trends in English language teaching, professional development, and teaching/learning strategies for ELT professionals. She will also discuss the roles and responsibilities of non-native English speaking ELT professionals in our changing global society.
Yilin Sun, Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics/Curriculum & Instruction, University of Toronto, Canada, is President-elect of TESOL International Association. www.tesol.org. She served on the Board of Directors of TESOL-International, 2008 to 2011; Chair of the Affiliate Leadership Council of TESOL in 2007 and President of Washington Association for the Education of Speakers of Other Languages (WAESOL) in 2003 and 2007.
In 2011-2012, Dr. Sun worked as a Fulbright Senior Scholar in Taiwan coordinating the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) Education Program and teaching TESOL graduate courses as a Visiting Professor at the National Taiwan Normal University. She has over 26 years of experience in the field of TESOL as a MA-TESL teacher trainer, a researcher, a classroom teacher, and a program leader with a variety of higher educational institutions in China, Canada and U.S.A. She is the author of books, book chapters and research papers in refereed professional journals including TESOL Quarterly and TESOL Journal.
She has also presented widely at national and international conferences. Her research interests include curriculum development, program assessment and evaluation, L2 reading, vocabulary learning, classroom-based action research, teacher education, adult education, teaching English to young learners, World Englishes, ESP and non-native English speaking teachers (NNEST) in the ELT field. |
Plenary Speaker |
 | Prof. Barbara Seidlhofer Professor of English & Applied Linguistics University of Vienna Austria | Sponsored by: 
Main Conference Plenary Presentation: The 'E' of 'TESOL' in the Age of Globalization In the light of the CamTESOL 2014 conference theme English for Regional and International Integration, it seems particularly appropriate to consider the all-pervasive role of English in crossing linguistic and cultural borders. But which 'English' is it that fulfils this essential function across the globe, and that is used as a means of communication, predominantly by 'non-native' speakers, in academia, business, diplomacy and many other domains? In addressing this question, it is necessary that we as English language professionals consider how 'English' has traditionally been defined as an object of research and as a subject for teaching. There is now a need for a quite radical re-appraisal of 'English' in the light of its global spread and use.
This talk presents a conceptualization of English as a lingua franca, arguing that in its international uses, English has to be uncoupled from the culture(s) of its origins and appropriated for the expression of the cultures and identities of its international users. This means that the native speakers cannot have exclusive rights in the regulation of the norms that govern the use of English as an international language. It also means that we need to understand just how this lingua franca is put to use by learners and speakers of different first languages, and what implications we might draw for teaching English and for teacher education when the main objective is communication for transcultural international purposes. Regional Research Symposium Plenary Presentation: Researching English as a Lingua Franca Descriptive research into interactions via English as a lingua franca (ELF) has been gathering considerable momentum over the last few years, particularly due to the availability of relevant corpora. VOICE, the Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English, is a corpus of spoken ELF interactions that is freely available both online and for download. Studies based on VOICE show how people use ELF to communicate and socialize with each other, how they exploit the potential of the language as a resource for the expression of self and the negotiation of mutual understanding without deferring to authorized but irrelevant native speaker code conventions and norms of usage. English is thus appropriated so as to be locally appropriate and communicatively effective. It is this linguistic independence that provides for the expression, interchange and negotiation of diverse socio-cultural values and modes of thinking that owe no allegiance to those associated with native speaking communities. Thus ELF not only challenges the still entrenched belief in the a priori relevance of English as a native language but more generally the validity of established ways of defining languages and the competences of their users, upon which so much research in applied linguistics is conceptually based. The findings that emerge from research into interactions via English as a lingua franca suggests that the objectives for language learning might be revised to focus attention not on the production of language forms that conform to the norms of native speaker competence and conventions of usage but rather on the communicative process itself, dissociated from such conformity, whereby learners can develop a capability for exploiting the potential of the language. Barbara Seidlhofer is Professor of English and Applied Linguistics at the University of Vienna, Austria, and currently Head of the English Department. Her teaching and research focus is on English as an international language and intercultural communication and their implications for language teacher education. Her publications include the books Controversies in Applied Linguistics, Understanding English as a Lingua Franca, Foreign Language Communication and Learning (with K. Knapp), and From International to Local English – and Back Again (with R. Facchinetti & D. Crystal). She is a past editor of theInternational Journal of Applied Linguistics and has recently founded the Journal of English as a Lingua Franca. Barbara Seidlhofer has been conducting research within the European Union project DYLAN (Language dynamics and management of diversity) into the relationship between English as a Lingua Franca and multilingualism. She is the founding director of the freely available Vienna-Oxford International Corpus of English (VOICE), which provides an empirical basis for the description of English as a Lingua Franca talk. |
Plenary Speaker |
 | Prof. Brian Paltridge Professor of TESOL University of Sydney Australia | Sponsored by: 
Regional Research Symposium Plenary Presentation: Current and future directions in English for specific purposes research This presentation will commence with a review of current research in the area of English for specific purposes (ESP). This will include a discussion of genre and corpus studies in ESP research, as well as research into the use of English as a lingua franca in ESP settings. Other topics will include advanced academic literacies research, ESP and identity, and the insights that ethnographic studies can provide into the teaching and learning of English for specific purposes. The presentation will then discuss future directions in English for specific purposes research. In particular, it will discuss research needs in the area of ESP teaching and learning, the description of specific purpose genres, the nature of ESP teachers’ expertise, and learner needs in ESP settings.
Brian Paltridge is Professor of TESOL at the University of Sydney. His publications include Teaching Academic Writing (with colleagues at the University of Sydney, University of Michigan Press 2009), Continuum Companion to Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (edited with Aek Phakiti, Continuum 2010), Continuum Companion to Discourse Analysis (edited with Ken Hyland, Continuum 2011), New Directions in English for Specific Purposes Research (edited with Ann Johns and Diane Belcher, University of Michigan Press 2011) and the Handbook of English for Specific Purposes (edited with Sue Starfield, Wiley-Blackwell 2013). The second edition of his book Discourse Analysis was published by Bloomsbury in 2012.
He is an editor emeritus of English for specific purposes and, from 2014, will be co-editor of TESOL Quarterly. |
Featured Speaker |
 | Bophan Khan Lecturer of English, Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia | Sponsored by: 
Main Conference Featured Presentation: A focus group study on professional identity transformation among post probation Cambodian teachers of English The probation period can be a career-defining stage for newly recruited teachers. In addition to the daunting tasks of juggling multiple teaching responsibilities, many struggle with professional identity development, facing such issues as insufficient confidence, indecisiveness in self-presentation, and unclear rapport with students. Placing professional identity as its core construct, this study observes how professional identity formation contributes to and is influenced by teaching practice among five post-probation Cambodian teachers of English. Using focus groups and Krippendorff’s (2004) content analysis framework, the study aims to uncover challenges the participants face in obtaining membership of their professional community, power relations between the participants and their more experienced colleagues, power negotiation between the participants and their students, and, importantly, what additional training will be needed to facilitate teacher identity development for their future profession. Implications for probationary teacher training will be drawn and recommendations will be made for pre-service teachers in preparation for undertaking the student-teacher identity shift.
KHAN Bophan is a lecturer of English at Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He is currently doing his PhD in linguistics at Macquarie University, Australia. His key teaching and research interests include systemic functional linguistics, multimodal discourse analysis, second language writing, reading for professional purposes, media-health literacy, and EFL teacher training. His selected publications include studies on hedging in academic writing, genre analysis of job application letters, and visual-linguistic analysis of print advertisements. |
Featured Speaker |
 | HANDOYO Puji Widodo Research Scholar, University of Adelaide, Australia
| Sponsored by:  |
Main Conference Featured Presentation: Writing expressive life narratives through digital poetry A literary approach (poetry) to teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) has been much discussed in the literature. On the other hand, the use of digital poetry in life narrative writing remains under-practiced in the language classroom. To fill this void, this paper presentation will address how digital poetry can mediate life narrative writing in the classroom where digital photographs serve as the source of input for writing expressive poems, emanating from students’ lived experiences. These poems can represent students’ life narratives. The presentation will start by discussing relevant concepts such as creative writing, expressive life narratives, and digital poetry in tandem. It will move on to address step-by-step pedagogical procedures for the implementation of digital poetry-mediated life narrative writing in the classroom. Thirdly, the presentation will highlight tasks and texts, which exemplify life narrative writing through digital poetry. Thus, digital poetry can be a tool for creating students’ life narratives where the students can construct their own narratives through real-life photographs digitally taken.
HANDOYO Puji Widodo is a research scholar at the Discipline of Linguistics, University of Adelaide. He has published extensively in the areas of language teaching methodology and language materials development. He is currently on the editorial board of several international journals (e.g., Asian ESP, English Australia, IJIELTR, TESL-EJ). |
The CamTESOL Secretariat gratefully acknowledges the support of the following sponsors and exhibitors to the 10th
Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching:
Principal Sponsor |
| including: - Closing Plenary Speaker (Prof. Barbara Seidlhofer )
- CamTESOL Outreach Program
- CamTESOL Research Grants
- CamTESOL Cambodian Provincial Teachers
Conference Partners |
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Opening Plenary Speaker (Dr Yilin Sun) | Presenters' Warm-up Reception | CamTESOL Regional Research Symposium and Plenary Speaker (Prof Brian Paltridge) |

|  |  |
CamTESOL Regional ELT Quality Assurance Forum | Social Functions
| Conference Venue (Institute of Technology of Cambodia) |
Sponsors of CamTESOL Regional ELT Research Grants |
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Sponsors of CamTESOL Outreach Program |
Sponsors of CamTESOL ASEAN Access Program |
Gold Sponsors |
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Silver Sponsors |
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Sponsors of Cambodian Provincial Teachers |
Titanium Sponsors |
Platinum Sponsors |
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Gold Sponsor |
Silver Sponsors |
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Prof. Jack Richards | Ms Kelly Kimura |
Ms Marion Bagot | Prof Seamus Fagan | Prof Evelyn Naoumi |
Mr Greg Rounalt | Dr Luanga Kasanga | Ms Judith Hudson |
Individual Sponsors
Ms | Agnes | Herawati |
Mr | Alexander | Nanni |
Ms | Alice | Lee |
Mr | Bruce | Applebaum |
Ms | Catherine | Peck |
Ms | Cherie | Swift |
Ms | Choiriya | Choiriya |
Ms | Clare | Magee |
Ms | Suzannah | Clerc |
Mr | Colin | Rundle |
Mr | Craig | Denver |
Mr | Daniel | Collins |
Mr | Daniel | Sasaki |
Dr. | David | Shaffer |
Ms | Deborah | Schaap |
Ms | Denise | Flipo |
Dr. | Eucharia | Donnery |
Ms | Fiona | Wiebusch |
Prof. | Fred | Marshall |
Dr. | Gena | Rhoades |
Prof. | Hitomi | Sakamoto |
Mr | Iain | Philip |
Mr | Ian | Boyle |
Ms | Jenny | Osborne |
Mr | Joseph | Williams |
Ms | Kathryn | Brewer |
Prof. | Kevin | Cleary |
Ms | Kimiko | Koseki |
Ms | Lesley | Newman |
Ms | Linda | Doonan |
Ms | Linda M | Hanington |
Ms | Margaret | Lo |
Prof | Marian | Wang |
Ms | Marie | Richardson |
Ms | Mary | Hatakka |
Mr | Michael | Rayner |
Ms | Miki | Tsukamoto |
Ms | Natalie | Oostergo |
Dr | Nausheen | Pasha-Zaidi |
Mr | Neil | Cowie |
Mr | Nicholas | Mann |
Dr | Nick | Marshall |
Mr | Nico | Lorenzutti |
Prof | Patricia | Hilson |
Prof | Peter J. | Collins |
Mr | Philip | McCasland |
Mr | Raven | Mark |
Ms | Reny | Mulyaningsih |
Dr | Sarah L. | Birchley |
Ms | Sharon | Hill |
Ms | Sirikul | Marshall |
Mr | Stephen | Hanchey |
Prof | Steven | Gershon |
Mr | Stuart | Vinnie |
Dr | Susan | O'Leary |
Mr | Theseu | McLean |
Mr | Tim | Wallis |
Dr | Tracey | Costley |
Mr | William | Lau |
Mr | William | Preston |
English Australia
Exhibitors |
Al Muntanabbi Bookshop Cam-Active Co., Ltd Cambridge University Press National Geographic Learning Clue&Key, An Imprint of Edubox, Inc Compass Media Eli Publishing IDP Education (Cambodia) IELTS Institute of International Education Southeast Asia Japan Association for Language Teaching Kids City Asia Long Learning Co., Ltd MacMillan Education McGraw Hill International Enterprises, Inc. Monument Books Oxford University Press Scholastic University English Centres Australia University of Arizona |
For sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities at CamTESOL 2015, keep checking
the CamTESOL website www.camtesol.org